Wireless Energy

Вопросы и ответы

We are a group of Russian scientists and engineers working together in a private R&D company specialized in innovative technologies of energy transfer. We have developed a very efficient technology that transfers energy wirelessly.

Our product is the Technology that allows to transmit electrical energy wirelessly and efficiently. We implemented this technology in a range of pilot products:

  • Wireless TV
  • Wireless electric kick-scooter
  • Wireless e-scooter
  • Wireless e-car

They all have different parameters of power, distance and so on. That means that our technology is versatile and suitable for different applications.

We do not manufacture or sell any finished commercial products. We produce technological prototypes that are ready to be manufactured as real world products.

Thus, we offer access to our technology for interested industrial partners so they could apply it to their products and incredibly enhance products’ characteristics, usability and market potential.

REASONANCE technology is based on magnetic resonance principle. The effects of magnetic resonance are quite well researched.

The difference of our technology is in design of the coils and in power equipment that allows us to make very sophisticated adjustments and to tune the technology according to various engineering tasks.

Compared to our competitors we have managed to implement our technology in various products, so it means that technology is flexible and adjustable to different needs.

The technology is absolutely safe as in our work we use WHO recommendations on electromagnetic fields (EMF) and we also conform with the international industry standards of electromagnetic security. We are also a member of Airfuel Alliance that develops safety regulations for the wireless power transfer.

The technical specifications vary depending on specific implementation. The technology is adjustable; however, it requires some serious work. For more detailed information you may contact us on info@reasonance.tech.

In general, our technology is much cheaper than the others. The exact numbers depend on the specific device to be charged – the more power device requires the more expensive charging system is.

There are also two parts of the charging system – the transferring and the receiving, with 80% cost applied to transferring system and 20% to the receiving one. Thus, increase in cost of the device itself is only 20% of the total system cost. The rest is infrastructural expenses.

The charging system installed into the product might cost approx. 5% of the total product cost. It, obviously, depends on the type of the device and on scale of the production. For mass production it should be less.

All the possible areas of our technology applications are limited to our current imagination only. Everything that is plugged, can be used as unplugged – from a mobile phone or domestic appliance to an electric car. Same works for the industry: electric forklifts in warehouses, electric trucks, quadcopters, medical and any other equipment can be charged wirelessly.

Literally, any object that requires electrical power through the wire, can get it wirelessly.

Our next step would be development of other real-world applications, such as

  • smart road with installed charging elements

wireless charging for

  • electrical forklift
  • quadcopter
  • cardiac implant

Yes, we have patents granted by the Russian Patent Office. Priority applications have also been filed in the USA, EU, China, India, Canada, and Korea. The patent title is «Method and device for wireless charging of electrical energy storage in a fixed or mobile consumer». Please refer to https://patents.google.com/patent/US20190319490A1.

REASONANCE technology complies with SAE J2954 which is the existing standard for wireless power transfer for electric vehicles. However, we foresee that in time a new wireless energy transfer standard may be formulated on the basis of REASONANCE technology.